Tibetan Health Chart


Tibetan Health Charts are based on Vedic astrology.  These charts will tell us about the strengths and weaknesses inherited from our parents; as well as, the planetary influences that we were born under and how those influences can effect our current and future health. Additionally, the charts tell us about the planetary influences that we are currently experiencing, and how these influences could be affecting our health now.

Ancient Hindus, Chinese and Egyptians believed that humans blossomed like lotus flowers, unfolding a new layer every seven years in a spiral pattern. The Kalachakra, which means 'Wheel of Time', is the body's natural clock from the time we are born until the time of death. It is our internal and external clock of our biological cycles.



How can the Health Chart Help You?


This chart can be used for an accurate picture of our constitution, vitality, psychological and physical health problems. Every seven years, we change cycles within the Kalachakra. These years of change are called marma points and occur at ages 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and continuing to age 63. Upon completing the ninth cycle, we come full circle and the cycles begin anew. Many us may have heard someone say, Granddad's going through his second childhood, which he actually is! During all these years of change, we are going from the influences of one planet to another and this is when we are most likely to become susceptible to illness.

A Tibetan Health Chart can be a very useful tool in helping you take control of your own health now while assisting you in anticipating and preventing certain illnesses to which you may be predisposed. By assessing your chart, you can prepare for coming transitions in hopes of reducing the trauma that they bring; and, perhaps even transforming them into positive affirmative events.


Tibetan Health Chart  - $30*

*including preparation and consultation


Read More

Understanding The Chart

Nine Cycles of Kalachakra


For further information and consultation, please contact Mary Winters.






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