House Blessing


House blessings, in one form or another, have been performed for millennium. This nearly universal spiritual ritual has deep roots in numerous cultures and religions from Christianity to Hinduism and Buddhism. The invitation of positive energy through prayer and ceremony can vitalize or revitalize one's home.  Typically, a blessing is offered upon moving into a new dwelling, after a long illness or simply as an annual spring cleansing.

Incorporating the aspects of a traditional home purification ceremony, Mary Winters provides the blessing that she performs for her own home. Through the use of the four elements and an appeal to the divine, positive and healing energy will fill one's personal space dissipating any lingering negativity. Typically, a blessing incorporates: Air, Earth, Water, Fire and Spirit.  Air is symbolized through the use of incense* and fire is manifested by candle light. Earth is represented by salt while Spirit is evoked through prayer.

Just as every dwelling is unique so too will be the particular blessing. Ideally, a walk-through of each room is performed, as well as the property surrounding the residence. For those individual who wish a customized blessing regarding the use of elements or ceremonial aspects, Mrs. Winters is more than happy to provide a distinct and personalized service. The result is a rejuvenating experience which creates a loving, harmonious space in which to live.


To schedule a ceremony, or receive further information, please refer to the following link below.


House Blessing - $40.00**




alternatives to the use of natural incense in cases of sensitivity can most certainly be accommodated

** Additional fees are subject to travel distance and the size of one's home since a large two-story house would require more time than a small apartment.



Tried & True ~ World Health: It is estimated that 25% of modern medicines are made from plants first used traditionally. Some of these plants have been used since prehistoric times. - WHO Fact