Stress Reduction


stress4So many illnesses today can be linked to our busy, fast-paced lives. We must all take care to avoid the effect of long-term stress. For years, studies have revealed that psychological stress is associated with greater risk for depression, heart disease and infectious diseases. Until recently, no one understood exactly how stress specifically affects one’s health. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University as published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences have shown that the effects of psychological stress on the body’s ability to regulate inflammation can promote the development and progression of disease.[cite]


Fortunately, long before science determined the underlying physiological details, intuitive people down through the ages have developed various ways to reduce the pressure, strain and anxiety within our lives. Mary invites all to spend an hour and a half once a week to learn simple, natural ways to reduce stress in your life. The six week instructional will focus on breathing techniques, meditation, music, herbs and essential oils.




For interested groups, associations and organizations, Mary can bring the course to your location (course time can be tailored to a given situation). Please check our products area in the near future for our web-based distance learning course. For more information or scheduling, please contact Mary Winters.


Six Weeks to Stress Reduction - $65*

* includes a class workbook.






S. Cohen, D. Janicki-Deverts, W.J. Doyle, G.E. Miller, E. Frank, B. Rabin and R.B. Turne. Chronic stress, glucocorticoid receptor resistance, inflammation, and disease risk. PNAS April 17, 2012. Vol. 109, no. 16, 5995–5999. Citation link:


Synergy ~ Herbs & Essential Oil: Consider the simple combination of drinking herbal teas and using essential oils in the bath. Even the addition of herbal teas in the tub along with essential oils is one of many ways to create a synergistic effect.